I was approaced by the Progressive Conservative Party to design all of their campaign literature, platform, name brandings and lawn signs (amongst other things)

This was a podium sign design using their branding - colours and fonts

This was a website slider graphic I was asked to create.

Website Slider image. It was also turned into a Facebook graphic.

Website Slider image. It was also turned into a Facebook graphic.

Lawn Sign design for the campaign.

Letterhead for the campaign.

I had designed the Podium sign as well as the tall banner in the background.

This was the Leader, Jamie Baillie, holding the Platform I had designed.

I was asked to create a poster with a matching podium sign for a media release.

This is a sample literature piece I designed for the Party.

This is another literature piece I had designed. The goal was to make it look negative using strong messaging, fonts and colours.