These are a few of the literature pieces I have created for the Conservative Party of Canada in various by-elections. Please see the captions underneath for a better description.

This was a doorknocker that I was fully responisible for coming up with the design direction and layout. It was and still is a very effective campaign tool.

This was one side of a literature piece I fully designed. I was given the overall design direction - to create a contrast piece - and it was up to my discretion to create the most effective layout.

This was another contrast piece.

This was a different format for a contrast piece. We were restricted on the size of paper to use to print and so I went with a standard format to help keep the costs down.

This was a fully negative side of a literature piece. The goal was to highlight the opposition parties stance on a particular topic. On the flip side (below) I put a fully positive design to highlight the Conservative side.